This Week’s News…
Updated 11/06/2017
Backyard Farming Series
Gutierrez-Hubbell House (6029 Isleta Blvd. SW)
Accessible and Innovative Gardens
Nov. 11, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Presenter- Ken Khune, Owner of GrowYOwn
Using space wisely can help those who are gardening, in both small and large spaces, get the most abundance out of their area. This workshop will focus on using permaculture techniques for gardening as well as nontraditional designs such at trellising and container gardens.
You are invited to partake in the Garden Work Party following the workshop from 12:30 to 2. Give back to your community by helping with the garden and work alongside Master Naturalists and Master Gardeners.
Northeast Police Substation…..
Break-ins continue in the area to cars and homes. Please lock all doors and windows (and close curtains) to avoid this issue. Also remove all valuable items from your car (even your trunk.) Theives can see what they want through the window and will take the chance of breaking the window or opening a trunk if they know there are valuables. No one can be 100% safe but the more you can do to discourage theives, the more likely they are to go somewhere else. Leave your porch light on as they prefer to work in the dark. Display your alarm signs or dog warning signs where they are visible. If you see someone who does not belong in the area, call 242-cops or 911 for more serious situations.
Open Space Activities….
There are many acivities for families at the Open Space programs. To read about them go to: registration.aspx
Albuquerque Historial Society and the Historical Society of NM….
offer weekly a ctivities at sites all across the city. To read their extensive list of events go to: or You will be sure to find an event or more that interest you.
Below are the activities that we have been submitted to us. There is always something to do in the “Q.” If you are aware of an activity for posting, please contact us at
Every Saturday, 10:00 AM
Walking tours of Downtown Central. Meet at 1st and Cenmtral SW. Sponsored by ABQ Historical Society.
Every Sunday, 10 AM – 4 PM
Bacahechi Open Space is now open for fun and activities. It is located at: 9521 Rio Grande NW, just south of Alameda. Every month is a different theme and each week new activities. Check our the programs at
Every Sunday
Free admission for NM residents at the NM History Museum in Santa Fe and All State Historic Sites.